NS 112 with the 8583 up front heads west at Waddy Ky.
W34 heads east toward Columbus with an Amercian flag decorated C39-8 in the lead.
Lead by a NS C39-8, NS 309 runs the main as NS 348 holds in the siding at "Wesley".
A lone unit out of Linwood heads toward Charlotte Yard (I believe) to pick up a military train.
Everyone in the cab is looking for the last of 3 dogs walking the bridge. For those who are wondering the little dog got clipped by the plow but it kept on running afterward.
Eastbound W34 crosses one of the many large fills along this former CofG line.
NS south bound coal loads on CSX trackage rights ex Clinchfield
NS 48G is dwarfed by it's surroundings.