NS 386 in tow by a standard cab dash 9 is making its usual Monday eveing run down thru Harvey near Howard Lawson's cemetary.
A lone dark horse unit is in charge of a westbound baretable train as it holds the main as DS lets est and eastbound traffic go around this low priority train.
NS train No. 25A approaches the south bank of the Ohio River.
As mtys head toward Auville Yard and the plentiful coal branches, grain train 52V stretches around the corner. The move will require a pusher set to make it up Elkhorn Grade today.
In what earlier had been grain train 52V on the Pokey, crews tie the grain hoppers down and prepare to move a loaded coal train east out of Yards. The head engine is sitting literally on the WV/VA... (more)
Grain train 52V heads east thru what once was the thriving town of Davy, now reduced to rubble and burned out buildings on mainstreet.
Typical of the Pokey, grain train 52V pops out of beautifully named Laurel Tunnel and immediately crosses a bridge.