A very nice consist rounds the corner near the US Hwy 59 overpass with priority merchandise from Grand Forks, ND. The blue CEFX ex SOO Line unit is number 6019.
154 rolls past 11th Street with a rare full whiteface Dash-9 on the lead. *note* The guy driving the truck pulled up and stopped 30-45 seconds before the train ran, so I did what I could, and... (more)
Westbound with BNSF 4552 third engine on train , in mid afternoon with fall colors, train just entered a 25 mph speed restriction. Photo taken with a 18mm-70mm Nikon lens set at 35mm
Westbound with BNSF 4552 third engine on train , in mid afternoon with fall colors, train just left a 25 mph speed restriction. Photo taken with a 18mm-70mm Nikon lens set at 35mm