ONR 113 (North Bay to Englehart freight) is running late allowing for this photo as it rolls thru Cobalt during mid morning. ONR GP38-2's #1805 & #1808 trail along with ONR SD40-2 #1733. more)
Late running NB North Bay to Englehart freight 113 passes the ONR stone depot at Temagami during early morning. ONR GP38-2 1805 and 1808 plus one SD40-2 trail.
SB Northlander arrives at North Bay assisted by a GP38-2 ahead of the dedicated FP7Am. This is the end of ONR trackage. Train will use connecting track out of view to left to back down Newmarket S... (more)
ONR 113 (North Bay to Englehart freight) is running late allowing for this photo as it passes the old Right-of-Way silver mine during mid morning in Cobalt, ON. ONR GP38-2's #1805 & #1808 trail a... (more)