OSR's matched pair of former GP9us switch out some cars at the west end of the yard in Ingersoll.
OSR's Woodstock turn pulls into the small town of Ingersoll for some switching duties.
A handsome pair of Ontario Southland Railway GP9us (ex CP) lead the Woodstock turn back to Ingersoll.
OSRX GP9us 1594 and 1620 have just grabbed their interchange cars from CP train T78-06 (seen in the distance) and are heading back into the yard to switch them out and prepare their train for Inge... (more)
A gorgeous pair of OSRX GP9us idle outside of CP's station in Woodstock as their crew gathers their paperwork for the return trip to Ingersoll.
A pair of immaculate OSRX GP9us have just been shined up by a rain shower and are pulling out of Woodstock with their train for Ingersoll.
A pair of matched set's of power await their next tour's of duty