A pair of Soo Line GP38s head back to the mainline after completing the morning's work switching the industries along Red Rock Road in southeastern St. Paul. A rusty Soo Line caboose was also on ... (more)
SOO GP38-2 4416 leads the Southside local east through Franklin Park.
A Soo Line veteran works the east end of Bensenville Yard, shoving on a string of autoracks.
SOO 4416 brings the South Side Local under the Milwaukee Road signal bridge in Franklin Park.
An early evening MN&S job heads south towards the Western Ave Yard. About halfway back it is crossing the diamond for the UP Golden Valley Industrial Lead.
SOO 4416 leads a late afternoon MN&S job through Golden Valley.
The SOO hangs on! Though all the SOO SD60s that roamed throughout the CP system have now gone in for rebuilding and a fresh coat of CP red, a few Geeps that haven't seen the booth or the torch sti... (more)
4416 is one of no less then 5 Soo geeps working in or around the area, it was nice to catch a bunch of Hockey Sticks, Candy Apples and even a Bandit while on the CP.
SOO 4416 waits to head east out of Bensenville, with a transfer to the BRC.
Can't complain when you get a shot like this in the sun while on your way to a train show.
a pair of SOO GP 38-2's wait for thier next job by the Port Terminal in Duluth
A pair of geeps, 4416 and 4417 were used on today's CP Local. The crew used 4416 today as they worked westward; 4417 will be used tomorrow morning.
SOO/CP Duluth transfer passing the former Soo Line Depot in Superior
CP Transfer Headed to Duluth Rice's Point Yard
SOO 4416 along with SOO 4420 and a BN caboose rest in the yard after their transfer run earlier in the morning. Now that I've seen it in person, red and white SOO may just be my favorite paint sc... (more)