An aging UP SD70M leads 51X grain empties through Cary.
A Union Pacific SD70M is in charge of NS 51X as it heads west through Walton, VA.
A Union Pacific SD70M is in charge of NS 51X as it heads west through Shawsville, VA.
A Union Pacific SD70M is in charge of NS 51X as it heads west through Wabun, VA.
A Union Pacific SD70M is in charge of NS 51X as it heads west through Glenvar, VA.
Two trains meet just after dawn on the UP Chester Sub. The north bound trains are stacked up waiting to get into St. Louis and the south bound trains are pressing through at 50 mph.
With cold Challengers sitting a few tracks over never to run again, survivor UP 3941 makes a move to the table for a spin still serving proudly but showing her age. For more color views from that... (more)
UP Challenger X3941 rolls off the table at Cheyenne. For more color views from that day, click here>
Westbound just east of Tucson at Wilmot early evening.