The North Yard (Denver), CO to Green River, WY manifest train emerges from the famous Hermosa Tunnels on Sherman Hill. Traces of leftover snow from the previous snow storm can still be found on th... (more)
The DPU of a Northbound intermodal is greeted by a blast of sunlight through the clouds. To the South/East are storm cells emerging in the skies and rain falling a little further uphill towards Te... (more)
A KG1LA stack train approaches CP Orange Street, west of downtown Salt Lake City. The train will pause for a quick crew change at the LM Bryan intermodal terminal at 56th West.
Eastbound stacks work up the normal Westbound main, due to another Eastbound in UDE at Ordway. This train crossed back to the East main at Hinda.
The Portland to LA pig train, ZBRLC, heads south in heavy snow at Crescent Lake on the ex-SP line over the Southern Oregon cascades.