UP 5830 drops downgrade through Bealville. The rear unit is an unpatched DRGW GP40-2.
The Union Pacific power blends in with the Fall foliage aided by the late afternoon sunlight just prior to sunset, as the Rossville, TN bound intermodal slides down Braswell Mountain on a brisk Fa... (more)
UP 5830 hauls a short Z eastbound through Silverwood in a light dusting of snow on the last day of 2014.
A Union Pacific double-stack train, the super hot ZLADV 31, rounds the last curve before Summit, on southern California's Cajon Pass, on New Year's Eve 2014. A cold storm the night before has lef... (more)
A Busy Time at Valley Junction. 2 Southbound Union Pacific Coal Trains are seen Running Side by side, These Trains Will make Crew Changes in Dupo Illinois, Then Continue their Journeys South.
UP 5830 a westbound with a train of oil cans and six additional engines sits on the south end of Trop Station waiting to depart. With the Palms and Rio Hotels in the background.