UP 5996 and UP 6471 head south at Runnels with train MEWFO-05 (Manifest; Englewood Yard - Formosa, TX)
Union Pacific 5996 brings a empty coal train past one of the most iconic buildings in the Kansas City skyline.
Departing Yermo, UP 5996 east leads the KLBDUD at East Yermo with a fresh Las Vegas crew aboard the train will run across the Cima Sub along with several other detouring trains today.
This westbound manifest lead by 5996 passes a set of light helpers to the right on Main 2 at El Casco.
Westbound coal empties meet an eastbound freight at Carroll Iowa.
A North Yard, CO to Provo, UT manifest train is working hard up the 2% grade towards Moffat Tunnel. This train is about 8500 feet above sea level and has about 8 miles to go the the summit at Moff... (more)