The Itasca, WI, to Des Monies, IA, manifest train makes good time as the roll downhill towards Iowa Falls. Here the train is just out of Bradford as it passes on of the many winds farm scattered t... (more)
The South Itasca, WI, to Des Moines, IA, manifest train rolls thru the hogbacks on the UP's Spineline. This train is about 30 miles south of Mason City and is making the final leg of the trip into... (more)
An oddly patched SP C44AC throttles through Baldwin after a meet at Hersey. The trailing SD70M is dead so the 6193 is giving everything its got.
A Patched Southern Pacific AC4400CW Leads a Westbound Intermodal in a Snow Storm through Kirkwood Missouri.
Patched unit leads this coal empty as its begins its slow down for delivery to the "J" at Leithton.