UP 7163 leads a set of road power at West Colton.
UP 7163 leads 3 other AC4400s & the OTNLB 10 down Ansel hill & into the Antelope Valley. Note the former SP AC44 2nd back, still earning it's keep.
Empty coal heads up Cajon Pass.
UP Coal on the NS Memphis Dist. will soon be a thing of the past as we catch a loaded coal train headed for Georgia near Moscow, Tenn.
The coal train has made it to the yard. Now it's time to switch from a UP crew to a NS crew.
Eastbound coal train enters Bridge Junction enroute to NS Forrest Yard.
Empty Coal train going west from Vulcan Industries. This line is now relocated further down the river due to new locks built into the dam structure making this photo impossible to do today.