Heading north along the CN Rainy Sub at Virginia, MN on a nice summer evening.
A few minutes after the Q197, here comes UP, with NS assisting, led B783 through Virginia as a nice summer day continues.
UP 7303 leads a westbound Z train at Apex as it tops the eastside of Beaumont Pass in the late evening.
7303 is the DPU on a loaded coal train heading for the power plant in the background as it goes over the roller coaster track that leads to the plant.
A long train of coal empties wind through fresh snow in the Red Narrows area of Spanish Fork Canyon. The lead motor, UP 7303, is labeled as a 4400 HP C6044AC by UP; with the GE designation being a... (more)
Sitting in North Yard is some of the big power that handles coal over the Moffatt Route these days.
A Jacobs Ranch Mine to Romoeville, IL coal train passes a coal empty waiting for trains ahead to start moving. Westbounds are backed up from Carroll to Jefferson due a broken rail near Carroll on ... (more)
Some big power exits tunnel #2 heading east.