The sun has poked through the clouds, and the rumbles of thunder to the east are droned out by the sound of MK5000C's and Aussie SD50's, which are on their knees, begging for the summit to come qu... (more)
A Utah Railway Intermountain Power coal train creeps slowly around a sharp curve just east of the flood loader at Wildcat, Utah. The Book Cliffs define the background, a range of Cretaceous sandst... (more)
A Utah Railway IPP coal train loads at the Andelex Resources Wildcat loadout a few miles west of Spring Glen, Utah. Inbound coal is trucked to the loading site, batched along the ground, sorted, a... (more)
A Utah Railway coal load coasts through Spring Canyon with 91 cars of Wildcat bituminous for the Intermountain Power generating station near Lynndyl, Utah.