VIA 53 passes VIA 44 just outside Cobourg.
Two crewmembers wave as VIA 60 departs Dorval Station with VIA 918 and four HEP cars. Stainless steel consists such as this one no longer pass through here.
Still a very typical VIA Rail corridor train these days, though replacement by Siemens Venture train sets is scheduled to come soon. GE P42DC no. 918 pulls a 4-car LRC consist past MP3 on CN's Mon... (more)
VIA 35 is passing CN 305, which is awaiting a new crew at Turcot Ouest. VIA 35 for Ottawa hias VIA 918 and four HEP cars.
VIA 62 on the left and VIA 67 at right are arriving at Dorval Station simultaneously. Generally VIA trains in either direction will only be on the south track, so it's rare to see a meet like this... (more)
VIA 60 is departing Dorval Station with VIA 918 and four HEP cars. Most VIA Rail trains in either direction are on the South Track of CN's Montreal Sub here, but with VIA 65 boarding passengers on... (more)
VIA 24 from Ottawa has VIA 918 and a Renaissance consist as it exits a tunnel under the rebuilt Turcot Interchange.
VIA 42 Toronto to Ottawa daily with P42DC 918 arriving Smiths Falls, Ontario on the VIA Rail Brockville Subdivision.
One of only four VIA Rail trains that currently run all the way between Montreal and Toronto, VIA 63 is starting to cross from the north to the south track with VIA 917 leading and VIA 918 shoving... (more)
VIA 918 casts a partial reflection in the Lachine Canal as it pushes VIA 64 towards its final destination of Central Station in Montreal. Up front is another P42DC wrapped for VIA's 40th anniversa... (more)
Via 72 heads towards its next station stop at London. To the right is the CP Windsor sub.
VIA 918 is on the rear of the Sunday edition of VIA 633, with an extra trainset on the rear as always.
"Canada 150" wrapped P42DC 918 travels east on the Smiths Falls subdivision with Ottawa to Montreal train #32.
Both AMT 814 and VIA 37 have just left Central Station in Montreal as they cross the Lachine Canal. AMT 1357 is leading AMT 814, which is heading to Mont-Saint-Hilaire, while wrapped unit VIA 918 ... (more)
VIA 918 leads VIA 635 over the Lachine Canal, past the out of use Wellington Tower and CN swing bridge.