Survivor - WC 3007, is but a handfuls of survivors. Here she stomps down the main at Vernon leading A446 one last time. Her days are numbered, in a few weeks she will be shut down and join the lin... (more)
WC 3007 shoves box cars loaded with paper into the Quad Graphics track.
WC 3007 has just finished it's work setting out box cars a the Quad Graphics plant and now prepairs to head back south to Waukesha to tie up for the day.
A nice cold morning for me as a pair of WC units prepare to head south to Stevens Point from Wausau.
With snow falling, A40881-16 pulls out of Wausau Yard and heads towards Stevens Point.
A40881-16 attempts to pickup speed as the engineer has them wide open.
LO18 holds at Weston on the wye waiting for a north bound train to pass.
XL020-21 switches the Waupaca foundry during a rare October blizard.