A pair of "Cheese Head" SD45's lead CSX eastbound Q216 past the Pittsburgh skyline.
I was quite happy when I found this SD45 on the point of this train sitting downtown. It's good to see these old beasts still in service.
CSX Q296 with a WC leader winds its way on the Old Main Line towards Baltimore MD.
Q625 has to do 30 MPH from Lyons, NY all the way to Buffalo, NY. I chased this guy to Batavia, NY. As for me, a accident on I-490 west of Rochester only let me get this train once more. Its too ba... (more)
WC 6584 and WC 6620 at the Stevens Point roundhouse. Canon EOS 20D.
In brilliant sun the SU403 rounds the bend with its 8 unit lashup and on the point is two WC SD45's.
462 with an NS Dash 9, heads past MP 91.