WC train 38 departs Gladstone with 6587 and DM&IR 193 leading 34 cars. With an afternoon departure from Gladstone and WC classic roster of power 38 could usually be counted upon for a good chase t... (more)
WC 6586,6550,6630 are in full dynamics as they struggle to keep 90 loads of Minorca ore from gaining to much speed as they drop downgrade into the Menominee River valley near Kremlin.
CN Eastbound train struggles up Byron Hill south of Fond Du Lac, WI with a former WC SD45/GP40 combo on the point.
CSXT Southbound Freight Train Q595 at Flint City, Al. on CSXT'S S&NA North Sub
WC SD45 6586 leads a northbound manifest through Kinmundy, Illinois.
WC 6586 is at the point of a southbound waiting for a new crew to take it into Johnston Yard.
CSXT Southbound Freight Train Q595 at Carey, Al. on CSXT'S S&NA North Sub with a pair of WC SD45'S leading a GP40-2 Mother & Slug Set