The sun sets on idled equipment at Palouse, WA. A business car and GP16 no. 316 rest in the weeds along with some stored centerbeam flat cars. It did not appear that the 316 had been used recently... (more)
The snow is melting and the wheat is turning the hills a nice shade of green in the Palouse. All of W&I's power is on display hauling a heavy 12-car fertilizer train to Moscow.
Stan protects the crossing and WRIX 316 rolls east with 5 fertilizer cars bound for Moscow.
Not much snow left in the Palouse region nor the little town of Palouse. Record snowfalls that closed Washington State University for 2 days had to be bulldozed off the W&I's RoW at a cost of $150... (more)
Its a quite day in Palouse, WA and that quietness isn't broken when W&I's GP11 rolls down the middle of the street. This is one of the few places in the country where you can see 286,000lb cars ru... (more)
The crew of the Washington & Idaho Railway block the crossing in Oaksdale to switch the grain elevators that deliever tons of rich, Palouse wheat to the world.
1 centerbeam flatcar, 18 empty hoppers and a 3% grade. Chugging along at a mere 12mph, the 50 year-old GP11 cranks out the amps in run 6. The watch you see on the control stand keeps the official ... (more)
The biggest customer on the Washington & Idaho Railway gets a string of hoppers to send out the grain.
Only about 10 feet from one of the last two last wig-wags in the State of Washington, the local blocks one of the major crossings in town at Kamiaken Street. PCC 4204 and a few grainers bound for ... (more)
Suddenly a quite day shooting center beam flats in the weeds becomes a busy day as this photographer is lucky enough to catch the weekly local though Pullman. And then run half-way across town on ... (more)