New railcars for the MOB from Stadler Rail. Regional train 2222 from Montreux to Zweisimmen near Schönried with railcar Be 4/4 # 9201, first class car As # 114, second class car Bs # 231 and rail... (more)
Locomotive GDe 4/4 # 6003 in the "Train du Chocolat" (Chocolate train) paint scheme with the regional service 2222 from Montreux to Zweisimmen between Gruben and Schönried.
General Motors locomotive with a new Renfe livery with a freight train of garbage from La Coruña to Vigo passing a amazing landscape with a beatiful sunset.
Renfe freight train and CP International train (Sorefame 450) to meet in the Rande Bay!
8113 in new Pacific National Livery, Mineral train passing through Moss Vale Station on its way to Berrima Cement works