A trio of Canadian Pacific GP20C-ECO's is emerging from a corn field as it races northward toward Montreal at track speed.
On its return trip from the Central Maine & Quebec Ry interchange, Canadian Pacific 318 passes MOW equipment on a freshly maintained right of way.
D&RGW C18 #318 displayed at the Railroad Museum in Golden.
Breezy morning as a trio of Canadian Pacific GP38-2's rolls across the Richelieu River on its way to the interchange with the Central Maine & Quebec at Iberville.
9:11PM, Intercity train recently arrived from Tandil to Platform 14, Plaza ConstituciĆ³n Terminal
7:52 PM, recently arrived from Tandil with 2 first class and 1 Pullman coach. This is probably the best Ferrobaires service nowadays.
5330 leads 2 RS18's, a GP9 and 3 SW1200 out of the yard. It will take almost a day for it to reach Montreal...330 miles away