The westbound 331 preparing to stop at Paris Yard North service track to lift cars. The second loco is CN 2162.
CN 5555 catches a patch of sun as it clears the Dundas Grade at Copetown and can open up towards Brantford and will reach a track speed of 60mph.
Three fishermen, wading in the Grand River, look up as train 331 with new well cars made at National Steel Car in Hamilton, ON. cross the Grand River at Paris.
CN 331 blasts through Ingersoll with a former CNW C40-8 leading.
The conductor has a wave for the photographer as CN 2114 passes the hot box detector at MP 40 on the Dundas Sub. Train #331 passes under the bridge on Gobles Rd. in the afternoon sun while a sign... (more)
NS 331 usually turns onto the Chicago mainline in Oak Harbor for its trip from Bellevue to Toledo but today due to MOW work temporarily single tracking the Chicago line East of Milbury they've run... (more)
CN westbound #331 crossed over the Grand River at Paris, ON in the early afternoon.
CN 2556 at Burlington, WI
Rotem cab riding from Athens Airport station to Doukisis Plakentias station. A pleasant "meeting" with a Desiro EMU train takes place. The drivers salute each other.