Siemens "Vectron" 193 # 521 "Donau" of the SüdLeasing^, rented to SBB Cargo International, is pulling the southbound intermodal train 40371 from Zeebrugg/Belgium via Basel-Got... (more)
Siemens ES64 F4 Re 474 # 014 and # 003 of the SBB in multiple control are pulling the southbound intermodal train 40371 from Zeebrugge/Belgium via Basel-Gotthard and Ceneri Base Tunnels-Chiasso to... (more)
Re 474 # 016 of the SBB Cargo International (Siemens "Eurosprinter" ES 64 F4) is pulling the southbound intermodal train 40371 from Zeebrugge-Vorming/Belgium via France-Basel-Gotthard an... (more)
Bombardier TRAXX F140 MS 186 # 103 of Railpool, rented to the BLS Cargo since 2013, is pulling the southbound intermodal train from Gent/Belgium via Lötschberg-Simplon to Mortara/Italy, between W... (more)
Bombardier TRAXX F140 AC1 Re 485 # 001 of the BLS Cargo and Siemens Vectron 193 # 497 of the Hupac, leased to BLS Cargo, in multiple control, are pulling the southbound intermodal train 40371 from... (more)
186 # 251 of Railpool (Bombardier TRAXX F140 MS built in 2008), rented to BLS Cargo, and Re 475 # 405 (Siemens Vectron) of the BLS Cargo, in multiple control, are pulling the southbound intermodal... (more)