Re 421 # 393 (Re 4/4 II # 11393) of the IRSI AG in the TRANS EUROP EXPRESS paint scheme pulls the long passenger extra 5321 of NostalgieZugReisen from Cologne/Germany via Basel Badischer Bahnhof-B... (more)
Express train steamlocomotive A 3/5 # 705 of SBB Historic, built in 1904 by the SLM, nowadays on long term loan to the steam group Zürich (Verein Dampfgruppe Zürich VDZ), is storming through Ger... (more)
Re 421 # 393 (Re 4/4 II # 11393) of the International Rolling Stock Investment AG, in the red/cream TRANS EUROP EXPRESS paint scheme, is pulling a short two car passenger extra from Basel Badische... (more)
01 202 from "Verein Pacific" passes Jestetten area with an extra train to Nördlingen (Germany) on the occasion of the "First Nördlingen Railway Festival".
This light oil fired locomotive is a former Deutsche Reichsbahn 2-10-0 steamlocomotive, owned and operated by the Dampflok- und Maschinenfabrik (DLM). 52 8055 heads a charter train with cars of Ei... (more)
Siemens "Vectron" 193 # 258 of the European Locomotive Leasing Company (ELL) and running for SBB Cargo International, rented by TR TransRail, is pulling the 12 cars AKE-Eisenbahntouristik TEE "Rhe... (more)