664 108 passes Grahovo whilst working Autovlak 857, 1325 Bohinjska Bistrica - Most na Soci
644 020 arrives at Most na Soci with the autovlak from Bohinjska Bistrica
Poughkeepsie bound express train traveling thru on track 2 first stop Croton Harmon. The reflection of Spuyten Duyvil creek seen on the side of CDOT P32-ACDM 231. High above to the left is 2400 Jo... (more)
RUSH HOUR at Croton Harmon Station and Yard. From the platform you can view and photograph Amtrak, Metro North, and CSX moves in and out of station.
Roanoke's "Rock Star" locomotive, N&W 611, marches her train up Christiansburg Mountain, rounding the bend at Friendship Road, with views of the of the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains in ... (more)
NS 857 with the N&W heritage unit passes NS 52Z just South of Chillicothe, Ohio along the US Rte 23 business route after a period of heavy rain. The 52Z stopped to change crews and the 857 was rou... (more)
The Norfolk and Western heritage unit traversed home rails this afternoon on the N&W Columbus District between Columbus and Portsmouth, Ohio. I was able to catch them near Piketon at the old US Ro... (more)
The sun shines down on the N&W heritage unit as it travels on home rails near Piketon, Ohio on the former N&W Columbus Line.
The Norfolk and Western heritage unit and its thoroughbred partner make light work of empty coke hoppers this afternoon on Norfolk Southern's Columbus District north of Portsmouth, Ohio. The N&W u... (more)
A 42 years old veteran ED75113 heads local freight 857 under clear winter sky. Zao mountains are seen in the distance.
On the anniversary of the tragic events of 9/11, a Metro North train leaves the city behind as the new Freedom Tower rises.