Amtrak P32AC-DM 717 departing Croton-Harmon station with Empire Service train #250.
Empire Service train 250 southbound at Ossining.
Early morning Empire Service from Albany to New York leaves Croton-Harmon station.
Amtrak P32AC-DM 711 and P42DC 104 southbound at Ossining.
An Amtrak Rohr Turboliner rolls toward one of the bores through Breakneck Ridge, New York, with an Albany to New York City train on April 14, 1991. In the background is the Hudson River, which inc... (more)
Amtrak Empire Service Train with P32AC-DM 717 along the Hudson River. Look down view of Manitou from the Bear Mountain Bridge.
Amtrak Empire Service train 250 southbound at Irvington.
Amtrak's continued maintenance in late 2018 led to weekends of Dual modes and P42's as cab cars.
Amtrak Empire Service train 250 heading for New York City on Thanksgiving morning.