Westbound Amtrak Ann Rutledge departing downtown St. Louis on a very hot, muggy summer day--Canon PowerShot G2
Westbound Amtrak Ann Rutledge(GE-P42DC #141) taking on passengers at Alton, Illinois on a crisp autumn day--Canon PowerShot G2
Westbound Ann Rutledge making its station stop in Washington, MO(Missouri River in background)--Canon PowerShot G2
Westbound Amtrak Ann Rutledge at Kirkwood on a beautiful autumn day with fall colors near their peak!!
Westbound Ann Rutledge pausing at the Kirkwood Amtrak Station------I was lucky that the weather gave me a break at just the right moment------The clouds parted just long enough for me to grab this... (more)
Westbound Ann Rutledge gliding through Pacific, Missouri, on a crisp, sunny autumn day as the foliage is nearing its peak. On this particular run, the train is carrying the ex-Frisco sleeper, "Ci... (more)
Amtrak P42 #88 flies through Lockport with the outbound Anne Rutledge,. It lays on the horn and kicks up some snow as it flies through. Superliners are a rare sight on the Anne Rutledge.
My train which will take me to Springfield pulls into Joliet passing under the ATSF signal bridge.