CP 8825 leads an autodeck train east through Edworthy Park in Calgary.
Curves, cuts, and cliffs at Cavers - high above the right-of-way the nascent snow melt atop the bluffs has frozen again overnight, giving it the look of a wax-laden candle base. Meanwhile, the ice... (more)
A late winter's morning on Lake Superior (a crystal clear day with no fog and weather one could only dream about) has eastbound 106 all strung out along Cavers Bay, winding towards its first of tw... (more)
CP train 106 between Upsala and Raith, Ontario.
CP train 106 beside the Matawin River near Thunder Bay, Ontario.
On the left the recently abandoned CN Kinghorn Subdivison before the tracks were torn up. On the right the still very active CP Nipigon Subdivison. Both crossing the Black Sturgeon River east of T... (more)
106-04 snakes through the 40MPH S curve at Massive, Copper Mountain in the background
Tail end robot shoving CP 106 around Mink Harbor.
Amongst beautiful fall colors, a CEFX bluebird leads train 106 around Mink Harbor and over the mouth of Mink Creek.
New AC leads old AC as they power 106 upgrade through MacKenzie.
CP 106 departs Thunder Bay with CP 8770 shoving on the rear.
CP 8872 knocks down the block signal at MP 27 Nipigon Sub and is about to enter the Cavers Tunnel.
CP 106 skirts the shores of Cavers Bay.
Racing for home, the crew of 106 flies over the Dexter crossovers at sunset.
CP 9636 can be seen in the distance as CP 106 takes the horseshoe curve around Lake Superior's Jackfish Bay.