Shortly after leaving Glenwood, this quartet of EMDs are working their way up to 60 mph with a very long manifest. As you might imagine, the sound of these units was just fantastic!
Two of the three SD40-2s that came west on the previous day's 297 head back east from Glenwood with train 170. The horn on the former BN leaser sounded a little sick as they whistled for the one ... (more)
A quartet of blue and yellow SD40-2s blast into Brooten with an eastbound priority freight. Flooding in St Paul forced the CP to run trains 170/171 all the way out to Glenwood.
A four pack of DME/ICE power can be hard to find now days with all the lease power. Typically this train would terminate in Pigseye but due to the impending flood, it's returning from Glenwood, M... (more)