Our three daughters give a wave to the crew of CSX train Q504-04 from the platform of the old B&O Depot as it rolls through the streets of Downtown Lawrenceburg, Indiana, behind a classic trio of ... (more)
The anticipated train of the day finally arrives at Hayden as CSXT 8335 leads Q504-04 past the B&O CPL's. People caught onto this guy the night before when it was scheduled to have the 8335 and 83... (more)
CSX Q504-04 runs east through some morning sleet on as its about to slow down and set off eight cars in the siding just east of here. The three pack of SD40-2's, code line, and B&O CPL's made it f... (more)
Swinging down into borderline Cincy surburbs, Q504-04 passes the Aurora Farm & Garden with its trio of SD40-2's. After this they'll pass over Hogan Creek and enter Lawrenceburg.
Getting back up to 40, Q504 bends into Pierceville, Indiana, splitting the old B&O CPL's off of highway 50.
After making a set off, Q504 is back on the move to Cincy as it comes up on Osgood, Indiana. The three pack of SD40-2's are knocking down WE Osgood as the snow falls.
Four days into 2020 and I already have one of my lash ups of the year! The boys down in Louisville made everyone happy with CSXT 8335, 8395, and 8016 were put on Q504. Here it is passing by J780 w... (more)