A short CSX local creeps up on the draw bridge waiting for NS A04 to come across the TN River.
Westbound into the CSX Goodman Street Yard on Saturday afternoon in intense sweltering summer heat with CSXT 6972, CSXT 6004 and C&O caboose 904136.
CSXT local job with CSXT 6972, CSXT 6004 and C&O caboose 904136 Westbound early Saturday evening.
Cold morning, heat waves. As CSX 1712 (SD40E3) leads Y101 down the Fremont Secondary on the morning of Sunday, February 10, 2019, the chill in the air is evident from contrast between the exhaust ... (more)
A Cayce Yard crew works to sort cars around various parts of their yard as they pass a closed off crossing in downtown Cayce.
The crew of CSXT Y101 works Cayce Yard as they shuffle various cars around.
The crew of CSX Columbia local Y101 slowly moves across the jagged track on the NIT Lead with just 2 cars for businesses at the end of the line.
CSX Columbia Local Y101 begins its trip up the NIT Lead with 3 cars.
Last rays of light make this ex CR shine.