The Pali turn headed into New Lebanon on their way from Palestine.
An INRD road slug set leading the Palestine turn back to Jasonville after doing their Saturday morning’s work in Palestine.
The Palestine Turn is on the way back to Hiawatha Yard as they pass over Main St. Dugger. The train is only mile from Midland Jct where they will turn north on the Mildland Sub for the rest of the... (more)
The Palestine Turn rolls over the Wabasha River at Riverton. The train just left Palestine a few miles ago and is crossing from Illinois to Indiana as they cross the river here. This job has lit d... (more)
The Palestine Turn heads back to Hiawatha Yard near Jasonville, IN. The train has just passed thru Hoosier Jct and has 4 units and 7 cars for ther trip back today. The 9001 had mechanical issues o... (more)
After waiting for a Merom Coal train to get in the clear at Hoosier, the Palestine Turn is back on the move again. The train today is a might 84 cars and both 40's are working hard to get up to sp... (more)