The Cedar Rapids-Iowa City turn passes the parked Iowa Northern Hawkeye Express as it rolls through Coralville.
A string of grain hoppers follow a pair of GEVO's downgrade heading toward Main Amana.
The Cedar Rapids turn has crested the hill southwest of Walford and now starts its descent down the long grade to Main Amana.
Rock Island heritage unit 513 leads the Cedar Rapids turn through Oxford, Iowa.
Mother Nature has provided a frosty landscape for the crew of 508 as well as rail fans on this day, two days after Christmas 2010.
Finally a sunny day! 504 leads the CRIC turn through Oxford, Iowa.
The CRIC turn passes through Homestead.
Two Rock Island tribute locomotives pass as the Iowa Interstate 513 passes IANR 678 on the Vernon Siding.
Rock Island Heritage unit 513 leads the Cedar Rapids turn through Homestead.
A string of loaded ADM ethanol tanks trail a pair of GEVO's rolling east through the Iowa countryside.
A pair of Iowa Interstate GEVO's lead the CRIC downgrade heading for Amana on Memorial Day 2011.
Two GEVO's lead the CRIC through Homestead and on into Iowa City.
Cold steel on steel. Rock Island heritage GEVO 513 is DP'ed into Iowa City on the end of the Cedar Rapids turn.
The sign and arrow pointing to "Iowa Scenic Byway" is appropriate today as GEVO 508 passes the frost coated trees.
508 leads the CRIC as it heads up the east leg of the Yocum Connection wye on a frost filled morning.