CP 1938 with IR 871 from Barreiro to Villa Real de St.º António is entering the station of Alcácer do Sal. This station is not served by passenger trains anymore since the opening of the "... (more)
CP 1804 is passing São Marcos da Serra with IR 871 from Barreiro toVila Real de St.º António (G.) and Lagos.
CP 1807 is leaving the station of Grândola with IR 871 from Barreiro to Vila Real de St.º António (G.). In the train are also cariages for Lagos. These will be separated from the train in Tune... (more)
CP 1938 is leaving the station of Alcácer do Sal with IR 871 from Barreiro to Villa Real de St.º António.
CP 1801 with IR 871 from Barreiro to Vila Real de St.º António (G.) and Lagos. Nowadays this line is electrified. For the fast trains a new shorter line is build with a huge bridge (see photo-ID... (more)