WC local LO12 pulls into Wausau Yard with tonnage from northern Wisconsin. This train was usually good for three sometimes four geeps at a time...or in this case an SDL. Also notice, shot was ta... (more)
NS local LO12 pulls empty grain hoppers for I&O's Warder St. Yard in snow flurries.
LO12 throttles up as they move through Wausau with an old GP30 in the lead.
WC 2402 still wearing its FRV colors in Wausau.
LO12 lead by WC 3026 heads thru Wausau elephant style.
MPEX 6201 waits for the go a head into the yard at MP 95 with WC SDL39 584.
LO12 with WC 711, WC 4151, WC 585, WC 1507.
LO12 pulling out of the WOW spur after meeting LO11 at Schofield.
LO12 just south of Wausau.
LO12 with a short train of pulp wood.
LO12 heading to Wisconsin Rapids.