M422 running west grinds slowly downgrade under the old Western Maryland Keystone Viaduct. Having crested the summit a few miles east this heavy and long manifest will continue down grade until i... (more)
M422 running west grinds slowly upgrade through Fairhope Pa. with the DP shoving to get the heavy and long manifest over the east Slope of Sandpatch.
CSX manifest freight M422 (Rocky Mount, NC to Selkirk, NY) is seen crossing the Rappahannock River in Fredericksburg.
CSX mixed freight M422 (Rocky Mount, NC to Selkirk, NY) is seen crossing over the Roanoke River, just outside Weldon.
CSX mixed freight M422 (Rocky Mount, NC to Selkirk, NY) is seen crossing over the trestle in Weldon about to cross over the Roanoke River.
CSX mixed freight M422 (Rocky Mount, NC to Selkirk, NY) is seen passing through Downtown Ashland with an SD70 MAC leader on a cloudy Friday morning.
CSX mixed train M422 (Rocky Mount, NC to Selkirk, NY) is seen crossing Benning Draw over the Anacostia River in the District of Columbia.
CSX's "Honoring Our First Responders," and "New York Central" Heritage Unit pull mixed freight M422 by the Monongahela incline and the former Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Station in ... (more)
Priority intermodal with YN2 Leader. These days are getting numbered as the rebuilds get done in these wide cab GEs.
After a large blizzard overnight, M422 is running eastbound with restricted speeds through rural Montgomery Township on CSX's Trenton Subdivision. The train had two Canadian National GE Tier 4 loc... (more)
Longish late afternoon northbound.