Arrives more than one hour late, CC20118R pulling old paint scheme Matarmaja trainset entering track #4 Kotabaru Station
Matarmaja trainset enter Kotalama Station slowly to stop, unloading passengers, and then continue it's last 3 kilometers journey to Kotabaru Station
Mr. Samuel (Matarmaja's driver) sounding his horn, and my little brother counter it with friendly waves.
After having a full shot of the trainset, then this when its pass close to my position
Came late about 1 hour from normal schedule this economy class entered the track #1 from Jakarta city, the other bad news is coming from the executive class KA Gajayana it had 3 hours lateness fro... (more)
With the new color scheme(Leaf) this economy class trainset passing in the middle of rice field nearby Kepanjen station
Matarmaja passing Mergosono village.
Matarmaja trainset passing pakisaji farm land