Providence and Worcester 3902 leads a DOD Extra southbound along the Thames River.
NR-4 leaving Willimantic after dropping its train and picking up its other train from the NECR.
Providence & Worcester train NR-4 exits the north portal of Taft Tunnel on the Norwich Branch with B40-8W 4005 leading.
Providence & Worcester NR-4 heads south on the Norwich Branch heading back for Plainfield after working Frito Lay in Dayville. The matching set of B40-8Ws on this job made for a good day shooting ... (more)
PW NR-4 heads south along the Thames to grab some cars from DOW.
PW FRA Extra heads east after swapping with NECR 608 in Willimantic.
P&W NR-4 “DOD Extra” heads east on Amtrak’s NEC to go south on the PW Groton Branch to finish their run to EB.
P&W NR-4 with most of the "DOD Extra" that canned in Plainfield last night heads south along the Thames River in Ledyard, CT.
OHCR 8530 and CSOR 3399 are in charge of today's NR-4, looking like a Connecticut Southern scene from the 2000's. The 8530 was recently returned to CSO rails from Ohio Central, and went to P&W's W... (more)
PW NR-4 passes Packer's Pond on their way to Willimantic.
NR-4 heads back north to Plainfield after working DOW Chemical.
NR4 enters Willimantic Yard with 2011 leading, passing the thread mills along the Willimantic River.
P&W train NR4 heads south through Ledyard, CT passing by Stoddard Cove along the Thames. It was nice to have a pair of correctly painted units on the 4 job today.