Two days into our trip, runpast number 31 produced this image in the beautiful early autumn light.
Our photographic special had similar 0-10-0's at each end to allow for runbys in both directions.
1920 Baldwin-built Consolidation stretches her legs.
Look closely and you'll see two tunnel portals and different levels of track, revealing why this railway is known as the "Darjeeling of Africa".
Plandampf special roars through the station and approaches the level crossing on this scenic secondary line.
Steam in the Transylvanian countryside this autumn.
Preserved 4-6-0 derived from the famous P8 class trundles through the Transylvanian countryside, still farmed by traditional methods.
I welcome your comments.
Railroaders are the same everywhere.
The ten-wheeler derived from classic Prussian P-8 design even managed to get the attention of the contented cows.
Photographic charter freight on a scenic section of Ukrainian Railways in the Carpathian Mountains.