BCR 724 North at Creekside, B.C. Motors are 5-yr. old 3000-hp Montreal Locomotive Works M630W's.
With several headend cars including an RPO, Southern's Train 41 , "Pelican" crosses the Holston River at Bluff City, Tenn. just after being received from the N&W at Bristol. Every-other bridge pi... (more)
On this Feb. 5, 1963 two E6As lead Southern's Train 41, "Pelican," around "Soldier's Home" (forerunner of Veteran's Hospital) just after leaving the station at Johnson City, Tenn. A heavyweight N... (more)
A brand new Hudson Hornet crosses in front of Norfolk & Western/Southern train #151/41, "The Pelican," while the N&W J that brought it into town retreats in the background. FP7 #6144 was delivered... (more)