SRNJ SASB crosses the Salem River into Woodstown on a rainy, fall day. The line has taken a recent hit as far as traffic goes.
With a decent sized train for this line nowadays, SRNJ SASB heads south with an Ex Chesapeake & Ohio GP9 up front.
After dropping off 3 cars at South Jersey Farmers Exchange, SRNJ SASB heads south to Salem with two pole cars for Salem Yard. What used two be a tri-weekly run is now down to once or twice per mon... (more)
SRNJ 100 starts south for Salem with a 5 car train, passing an antique Whistle Post. With the closing of Anchor Glass in Salem, action on this line is now down to once or twice per mont
SRNJ 100 drills the Conrail Shared Assets interchange on a cold winter day. Since Anchor Glass in Salem, NJ, closed back in October of last year, trains on this branch have been few and far in bet... (more)
The conductor of SRNJ train SASB flags the currently out of service crossing at Main Street as they head back towards Salem with no cars. The lack of cars is a sign of this line's demise, as the m... (more)