GP18 and GP35 team-up to power the westbound local. GP18 178 was the last diesel put into service by an independent CofG before the Southern takeover in June 1963.
A little bit of variety on this day, as the usual geep-powered long-distance local has a U23B in the lead.
Black and white geeps and dead winter vegetation provide little color to the scene as a healthy long-distance local pulls in to work Opelika.
Southern had a big fleet of GP35s, mostly numbered in the 2600s and 2700s, with all but two in that series riding on AAR Type B trucks. There were also 5 or 6 GP35s that were bought and sublettere... (more)
GP30 and GP38 2771 power the westbound local - with lots of pulpwood flats, as usual - out of Opelika.
Members of the two long-range locals (46 is working just around the curve west of the depot) mingle at the depot, and a few hit the Coke machine in the old waiting room. If I recall, the sodas (d... (more)
In 1974, the Southern/Western Railway of Alabama crossing in Opelika was still first come, first served. On this spring day long-range local 45 gets their man to the crossing first, so WofA local... (more)
A GP9/GP38 duo is about to clump across the Western Railway of Alabama as long-distance local train 45 works Opelika.
GP35 2699 and another geep power westbound 45 as the crew prepares to do a little work around Opelika before continuing west.
Westbound train #45, The Tennessean, about to make its station stop at Glade Springs, VA on a snowy, yet busy February day in 1962.