Northbound T53 led by AC44i #8416 obeys a speed restriction on Km 208 due to track maintenance. A special guest is seen in this consist: The C44-9WM #9042, wearing the LGBT colors.
Northbound ethanol train T51, led by AC44i #604 still wearing ALL scheme, arriving in Ouro yard.
Northbound tanker T51 photographed between Silvânia and Matão.
Tanker train T51 photographed between Ouro and Tutóia yards.
Tanker train T51 arriving in Tutóia yard, with MRS AC44i #7350 as DPU.
MRS AC44i #7350 rented to Rumo, as DPU of Tanker train T51, photographed on the Araraquara Railroad Loop. The Araraquara city can bee seen in the background.
Northbound Tanker T51 led by AC44i #9868 running from Ouro to Tutóia yard, photographed at Araraquara Railroad Loop.
Northbound tanker T51 led by Fibria AC44i #8394, photographed at Araraquara Railroad Loop, between Ouro and Tutoia yards. The entire train can be seen in the photo, including another AC44i at the ... (more)
Train T51 arriving at Tutóia yard.
Tanker train T51 make a brief stop before proceed to Tutóia yard.
AC44i #9894 is the leader of train T51. It makes a brief stop before Tutóia yard, so we had a good chance to make this side shot.
Northbound loaded tanker T51 led by AC44i #9894 arriving at Tutóia yard.
After the southbound U70 clears the x-over, tanker train T51 prepares to depart, to proceed though Paulinia yard, before reaches the Replan yard, to be loaded.
New GE AC44i locomotives with new paint scheme for Fibria.