The special comes out of Kirk Yard and heads toward the NS, The J power will be cut off and the P42 will run the passenger special to Chicago.
The special departs Joliet yard and passes MP. 1 on the Eastern Sub.
The special heads through North Chicago on its trip down the J to Gary, IN.
This is a rare site, Amtrak locomotive 66 and J caboose 195 hang out in Waukegan.
After making a few moves to get off the CP and onto the EJE the special departs Rondout now heading for Waukegan.
AMTK 66 pauses with the special while J 663 and 660 cut off and run around their train.
EJ&E 660, 663 and AMTK 66 take the special East.
EJ&E 660 brings the special through Joliet and past MP. 1.0.
The J power off the passengar special heads back into Kirk Yd.
EJ&E 660/663 run around AMTK 66 and the special to prepare for their East bound trip.
J 663 and 660 bring the passengar special North through Rondout, IL.
AMTK 66 pauses across from J Transfer Caboose 195.