Proctor Roadswitch crew returns an empty 92-car U-755 (Escanaba E-rail) to Proctor as the season for these moves comes to a close.
Late afternoon departure of Escanaba ore empties heading north out of Duluth for loading at Minorca.
An empty ore train from Escanaba prepares to dust a loaded potash train that is holding the mainline at Solon Springs, south of Superior.
This line hadn't see a train in over two days, so the snow plow drifts were primed for busting.
E-Rail empties head for Duluth.
E-Rail empties roll off the Oliver Bridge as they arrive at Steelton Yard in western Duluth.
Escanaba ore empties arrive back in the Twin Ports behind a clean Missabe 419.
Escanaba ore empties roll across a frozen St. Louis River about to enter Minnesota (Duluth - Steelton Yard). Trains on top, autos on the bottom.
Escanaba empties grind up the 1.8% grade of Steelton Hill in far western Duluth.
An empty 96-car "E-Rail" grinds up Steelton Hill in far western Duluth on a clear but cold (+5F) morning. This train will load at Minorca and run to Escanaba, MI.
The last empty E-rail for the season heads home to Proctor.
Ore empties headed back to Missabe Country from Escanaba.
Escanaba ore empties grind up Steelton Hill headed for Minorca. Temp was -4F with a wind chill of -35F.