Southbound EMDs with ore cars used for limestone delivery going back to Proctor yard.
Limestone empties head back to Proctor yard after delivering to the Minorca taconite plant.
Hustling back to Proctor after dumping limestone at the Minorca mine.
The last sliver of light hits the nose of BLE 906 as they cross the intersection of Highways 101 and 7 heading back home to Proctor yard.
After delivering limestone to the Minorca mine, a trio of BLEs led by BLE 906 come down the CN Rainy Sub at sunset catching a few of the last rays of the day.
After delivering limestone to the Minorca mine, IC 6255 is now heading home to Proctor on a nice fall afternoon.
Heading back to Proctor on a late fall afternoon after delivering limestone loads to the Minorca mine earlier in the day.
After dumping limestone for the Minorca mine and then waiting for traffic to clear on the CN Rainy sub, a trio of BLEs finally depart the plant for the trip back to the yard at Proctor just about ... (more)
Typical fall day across northern Minnesota except for the trio of BLE's adding a little color.
Skirting the city of Virginia, MN while coming down CN's Rainy Sub after delivering limestone to the Minorca Taconite facility three BLE's are heading back to Proctor yard still a few hours away y... (more)
Humming along passing through Iron Jct., MN, BLE 909 heads back to Proctor, MN with ore cars used to deliver limestone to the Minorca mine.
A few minutes into their trip and a few miles south of Minorca Jct., BLE 906 heads back to Proctor, MN on a typical fall afternoon.
A trio of pumpkins dodge clouds as they head back to Proctor.
After delivering limestone loads up to the Minorca mine near Virginia, MN, a trio of BLE leads the cars back down to Proctor, MN passing through Iron Jct. on the way.
After swapping out 46 loads at the Minorca taconite plant it's back to Proctor with these 46 empties.