The LPS local from Janesville switches Scot Forge at Clinton before heading to South Beloit. The local runs with an engine on each end to easily service the industries on their trip. On Tuesdays a... (more)
The LPS local from Janesville switches The DeLong Co at Clinton, Wisconsin. On Tuesdays and Thursdays the local runs to Clinton and South Beloit.
The LPS15 local from Janesville is seen servicing Shannon Industrial Corp on the east side of Woodstock. The LPS15 local is a Mon-Fri train running to Crystal Lake on Mon, Wed & Fri and South Belo... (more)
UP 1337 leads the LPS15 local across the 387ft Stone Arch bridge spanning the Turtle Creek at Tiffany, WI. I decided to try something different by going wide on the Smith Road truss bridge. The LP... (more)
LPS15 has arrived at the southern end of the McHenry Sub where they will leave their train for the Crystal Lake local.
After shoving onto the McHenry Sub, LPS15 heads south passing under the Harvard Sub. There is a small transfer yard about 1 mile down the line where they will leave their cars for the Crystal Lake... (more)
The Mon-Wed-Fri local from Janesville to Crystal Lake wastes no time as it screams through Ridgefield.
The Mon-Wed-Fri local from Janesville to Crystal Lake passes the massive DeLong Elevator and splits the search lights at Hwy 67 on the north side of Sharon, WI.
The Union Pacific Local brought these cars out of storage and are delivering them to South Beloit, Illinois for loading.
UP local finishes their day's work and gets ready to tie up for the weekend at Janesville.
UP local shoves across the bridge at Turtle Creek returning to Janesville yard after their daily work. 1360 & 1362 are ex Rio Grande geeps.
Patched SP units and UP repainted ex-WP unit lead the local over the bridge at Tiffany.
SP & DRGW bandits on the south end of the McHenry branch.
Bandits running the Local from Janesville to Crystal Lake.