Traffic on the Villa Grove was much less than I expected today, the day after the holiday shutdown. Here, a southbound merchandise train, heavy with autoracks, crosses the Kankakee River at Momen... (more)
A pipeline on rails moves east through Rochelle. I'm not sure what the steam cloud overactive spitter?
Eastbound Powder River Basin coal pounds the diamonds at Rochelle, 80 miles west of Chicago. Here, UP double track crosses BNSF double track at grade. A westbound high rail truck inspects the tr... (more)
Winter Wonderland! A set of pushers brings up the rear of an eastbound coal drag along the old D&RGW mainline near Fraser. I shot this photo from a comfy seat in the Sightseer Lounge of the west... (more)
A local works the industry sidings on a hot afternoon along the UP mainline south of the Great Salt Lake.
Westbound out of Ogden's Riverdale Yard on a sunny summer afternoon, heading for Salt Lake City.
Interesting catch in the first years after the demise of the caboose...a DOD instrumented caboose. I believe DoD uses these to house security and support personnel for military looks o... (more)
Impressive power pulls a long string of empty coal porters eastbound up into the Wasatch mountains.
Eastbound manifest crosses the Weber River after emerging from a tunnel.
Eastbound manifest freight heads for Wyoming.
Eastbound mixed freight emerges from a tunnel and crosses the Weber River.
A helper pushes an empty unit coal train up the grade toward Soldier Summit.
A hardworking string of mixed GE and EMD power hauls an empty unit coal train eastbound up Soldier Summit.