The Waukegan switcher heads under the old Northshore ROW, now a bike path, on its way back to Sutton. Won't be long now before those wheels on the hopper are shining again.
As we all know, newer isn't always better. The concrete whistle post that was here was replaced by the cheap fence post.
The Waukegan Switcher runs light though Rondout enroute to Sutton. Rather disappointing seeing the rusty rail on the wye.
Wide angle shot of the 656 pulling past the conductor before backing through the number 10 switch.
Heading out of Waukegan, about to pass the old Lake Shore Foundry, now aparently shut down.
The J local departs the Waukegan yard and parallels Pershing Road for a short distance. I shot I've tried to get for years but the 703 always faced the wrong direction.
An uncommon find in Waukegan, SD's rarely make it this far north.
The colors of the empire have made it all the way west err, I meant north. The Waukegan local leaves the yard on its way south.
With the empty already placed on the main, the 703 chugs up the grade after spotting a delivery.
The little green machine holding down the WRS1 job while the 703 is gone again.
The Waukegan crew puts their train together for the trip back to Rondout.
Sure hope the repair work came with a warranty... Parked on the main due to track work at her normal parking spot.
Some changes noted after being sent to the shop, non-standard gray to the trucks and tank, and the many stickers adorning her (auto start). The orange got a bath, however, the engineer's side sho... (more)
The conductor gives the "bring it back" as they prepare to tie it down for the day.
The 303 has been nick named the "Top Banana", shown here at the usual locomotive parking spot in front of the small Waukegan office.