Train X15, led by EMD SD80ACe #8080 photographed at Km 199, between Convenção and Itu yards.
Northbound empty X15, led by EMD SD80ACe #8080 photographed at Km 198, between Convenção and Itu yards.
EMD SD80ACe #8080 led train X15, photographed on Km 198, between ZXP and ZYU yards. The locomotive is being tested by Rumo, for future purchases, if they performs well.
Northbound empty train X15, headed by Rumo AC44i #9839 photographed at Km 200, arriving at Itu yard.
Northbound empty X15, arriving at city of Itu-SP
Rumo AC44i #9839 heading northbound empty X15, with some trailing units, arriving at Itu yard.
Northbound X15 headed by Rumo #9837 and some trailing units, passing through Pantojo loop.